
Thursday May 17, 2018
Teaching an old dog new tricks
Thursday May 17, 2018
Thursday May 17, 2018
This week we welcome Anthony Parker from Cuberoot64 and Sebastien Conran from Consequential Robotics.
Are you ready for a Royal Wedding? While bride-to-be Meghan Markle is no stranger to TV screens, Prince Harry may be a little less comfortable at having his wedding day broadcast to the world.
However, we hear that TechTalk is his favourite podcast and he’ll be listening on the morning of the big day to calm his nerves.
Well, Harry, we have just the show for you. One would imagine that his bank balance (and the taxpayers’) will be running dry – so he may want to consider plumping up his resources by delving into some cryptocurrency.
Anthony Parker from Cuberoot64 came on to the show to walk us through how it all works. So, if you’ve heard of blockchain and bitcoin and fancy the thrill of the market – this is the episode for you.
If digital currencies aren’t your bag, surely robotic dogs will be? You may recall our TechTalk22 feature last year – where we had a run through of the innovative companies to look out for in 2018 – Consequential Robotics particularly caught the eye. Sebastien Conran came on to the show to discuss the uses for the amazing Miro – yep, a fully mobile robotic dog.

Wednesday May 09, 2018
Avoid a computer catastrophe
Wednesday May 09, 2018
Wednesday May 09, 2018
Apparently, this week marks the 40th anniversary of the first-ever spam mail being sent…will GDPR mark the end of this? No more curious sexual remedies, no more $100 billion waiting for us in a Nigerian bank account – what will we do?
Clearly for some companies, GDPR could be a bit of a nightmare. However, refreshingly, we had IT expert, Perry Ashby, on the show who explained that, for most, the new rules won’t be as jarring as they sound.
Perry founded Urban Network and, as well as running through GDPR, he gave us the lowdown on what to do in an IT emergency and how his company could help.
Sorry to stick with the topic, but GDPR will cause slightly more aggro in the recruitment world…so we were grateful that Lucy Smith made the time to talk to us. Lucy founded Digital Grads – a firm focused on helping graduates turn their university-taught skills into employable traits.

Thursday May 03, 2018
Buzzing around the London tech scene
Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday May 03, 2018
As well as catching up on the TLA event with Russ Shaw, we chat with Joao Fernandes of BuzzStreets and Adi Gaskell.
We were at the TLA 5th birthday event a few weeks ago, hosted by Russ Shaw (who features as presenter in this episode), and we were wowed by the little delivery robots which are disrupting the food industry. Well, it’s happening sooner than expected as it was announced this week that 1,000 of them will be hitting UK streets soon.
It wasn’t the only dazzling thing at the event that night and Russ was delighted with how it all went and how London is on its way to becoming the tech capital of the world.
To make that happen, we need our Tech Heroes and thankfully we had a few in the studio. Adi Gaskell is a pretty key one too. Adi has his finger on the pulse for all things technology and writes for all sorts of publications like Forbes, Huffington Post and BBC – in this podcast we talk all about the new technologies that are influencing business.
Another one of the Heroes is helping us to find our way across London, but with a difference. Yep, Google Maps helps you through the streets but BuzzStreets goes as far as helping you in nightmare locations like shopping centres and sporting arenas. Joao Fernandes tells us where the idea comes from.

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Start-ups: Dead or alive?
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
In a bit of a start-up special, we welcome Maryam Mazraei from Autopsy and Matt Jonns of Ucreate
We, as Producers, didn’t really set-out to do this…but it just so happens that we’ve got a start-up special podcast for you.
Our guests this week have lived through the highs and lows of being a start-up and base their current businesses around those trials and tribulations.
We hope it’s not the case but the first half of the podcast could scare people away from building a business (both guests are big advocates of starting your own business). Maryam Mazraei has compiled a list of failed start-ups through her company Autopsy, rather than being a scare though – it was actually an extremely educational discussion and is a great pointer of the things to avoid when going into business.
Matt Jonns is also used to working with start-ups, but successful ones! He founded Ucreate - A startup studio for non-tech founders who want to build ambitious tech businesses. They have helped over 20 businesses to build and launch so far – and that number is sure to keep rising.

Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Keeping Albert safe in the city
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Jillian Kowalchuk talks about her app, Safe and The City, while Ivo Weevers talks us through Albert.
Feeling hot, hot, hot…the mercury is finally rising and it’s giving us those happy vibes. Don’t bother booking a summer holiday just yet, there’s plenty of quality tech happening here in the UK.
London has a number of different sun traps to discover in beautiful weather like this, but if you’ve followed the news recently you’ll know that it’s not always the safest city.
Our first guest on this week’s show is Jillian Kowalchuk – she has founded the fantastic Safe In The City App. It allows its users to indicate incidents of sexual assault, harassment, stalking and lots of other things. Primarily for women, we discuss how it can be tough for some women to come forward and speak out about their experiences.
We meet a lot of companies on this show who have built amazing tech companies, having started as a one-man band. Somebody fighting their corner is Ivo Weevers, he has created the Albert platform which is saving time against time consuming chores like expenses.

Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Saving Bletchley Park
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Dr Sue Black explains how she helped to save Bletchley Park, Philip Sheppard discusses music and Jo Davies talks branding with VIM Group
Mark Zuckerberg sat in a booster chair during a five-hour Facebook grilling, YouTube had its highest-viewed video of all time deleted and Trump probably upset people on Social Media – a week in the world of tech…thankfully we’ve got another brilliant TechTalk podcast to keep you sane.
We’re excited about this one.
Our first guest this week is arguably one of the most inspiring women in tech. It was an honour to have Dr Sue Black on the show. She’s done just about everything and I don’t get paid by the word, so I’ll keep it to the point and say that she’s a computer scientist, academic and social entrepreneur who helped to save Bletchley Park. Oh, and she has an OBE. Just click play to hear the full inspiring story.
Although the bar was set high by our first guest, Philip Sheppard also wowed us with his knowledge, innovation and experience within the music industry – not something we’ve covered before. Phillip is working on some amazing technology which you need to keep your eye on – he is about to disrupt the market.
Branding is an important element to both Dr Black and Philip Sheppard, so it was great to welcome Jo Davies on to the show too. Jo is the Managing Director of VIM Group – a company with over 25 years of experience, achieving success on over 1,000 projects.

Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Building up and buffering down
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Thursday Apr 05, 2018

Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Finding the right fit
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Thursday Mar 29, 2018

Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Losing expenses, building muscles
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Innovation aplenty with Andrea Zitna's Elvie product and Emma Maslen's expenses revolution with SAP Concur.
The folk at Facebook have taken a bit of a beating this week – they’ve been a bit naughty and Mark Zuckerberg’s earnings have taken a multi-billion-dollar hit.
While we probably don’t need to set up a JustGiving page for him, the American innovator might be relieved to find that his favourite podcast is back with another episode and is entirety free to stream and download.
Facebook is arguably the pinnacle of Social Media, but our first guest on the show this week is leading the way in FemTech. You may recall our TechTalk 22 feature just before Christmas – our top 22 innovative companies to watch out for in 2018 – and Elvie were extremely highly regarded. Previously a taboo topc, Andrea Zitna explains how her company are tackling an important female health issue with their Kegel trainer.
We also welcomed Emma Maslen on to the show. Why? We needed to talk about expenses, that’s why. Emma is the Managing Director of SAP Concur – they are a big company who are aiming to tackle the nightmare of the recurring receipts. They’re making it more techy and easier…sign us up!

Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Robots learn how to get arty
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Bernadine Brocker from Vastari, Mostafa El Sayed from Automata Technologies and James Gupta from Synap.
New Zealand are winning the race for pilotless air taxis with their release this week, but we still think the UK is flying highest in the world of technology. We had three guests this week to help us get off the ground.
Even Russ Shaw, from the USA, believes that the British Isles – and London in particular – are the right places to be in this tech revolution. That’s why he created the Tech London Advocates.
To kick us off, we delved into a topic that we haven’t really explored in the past art exhibitions. You may think that art & tech don’t mix – but there’s so much going on behind the glass of the exhibits that you wouldn’t even be aware of. Bernadine Brocker is our tour guide and walks us through the story.
From art on to robots, we spoke to Mostafa El Sayed who builds robots for a living. Imagine that. His Automata Technologies company have developed Eva – an elegant, simple and affordable robot arm built for professionals. It improves productivity on a production line, in a lab or in a classroom.
Let’s end things with a quiz. How cool is the Synap platform? Answer: very cool. Synap makes it easy to create, practice and share multiple choice tests and quizzes – James Gupta talks us through.